In a validation study versus the paper version of the SCID-IV-RV, an earlier version of the NetSCID-RV demonstrated fewer data entry and branching errors than the paper version, was preferred by clinicians over the paper version, and was easier to administer. To streamline use of the SCID in research and to make it more accessible for use in clinical settings, clinician-administered, Web-based versions of the SCID instruments were developed including the NetSCID-5-Clinician Version (NetSCID-5-CV), which covers the same disorders as the SCID-5-CV paper version the NetSCID-5-Research Version (NetSCID-5-RV), which covers the same diagnostic modules of the paper version of the SCID-5-RV and the NetSCID-5-Personality Disorder (PD) Version, which covers the 10 DSM-5 PDs across Clusters A, B, and C, as well as other specified PD.

Although it is easy to select individual SCID modules for administration, more complex customizations of items and diagnoses within modules can be difficult to implement. The Clinician Version (CV) of the SCID for DSM-5 (SCID-5-CV), released in 2014, consists of 10 modules that cover 39 of the most common diagnoses seen in clinical practice and allows screening for an additional 16 diagnoses.
Overall, the full SCID-5-Research Version (RV) covers 63 diagnoses, takes an average of 90 min to administer, and requires considerable clinician training.
The structured format of the SCID with its direct adherence to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria accounts for its strong test-retest and inter-rater reliability for most diagnoses. The SCID is also frequently used as the standard against which other diagnostic instruments are validated (eg, ). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5) is currently accepted as the gold standard in psychiatric diagnosis and is regularly used in research settings where the accurate diagnosis of primary and comorbid disorders is required for the appropriate determination of study eligibility and assignment to a research condition. 90), with mania achieving fair test-retest reliability (ICC=.50) and other substance use endorsed too infrequently for analysis. Preliminary measures of test-retest reliability in a small, nonclinical sample were promising, with good to excellent reliability for screener items in 11 of 13 diagnostic screening modules (intraclass correlation coefficient or kappa coefficients ranging from. Responses to individual items can be combined to generate DSM criteria endorsements and differential diagnoses, as well as provide indices of individual symptom severity.

The SAGE-SR constructed from this item pool took an average of 14 min to complete in a nonclinical sample versus 24 min in a clinical sample. These 664 items were iteratively submitted to 3 rounds of cognitive interviewing with 50 community mental health center participants the expert panel reviewed session summaries and agreed on a final set of 661 clear and concise self-report items representing the desired criteria in the DSM-5. The expert panel reduced the initial 1200 test items to 664 items that panel members agreed collectively represented the SCID items from the 8 targeted modules and DSM criteria for the covered diagnoses. Cutoff scores for screening into follow-up diagnostic sections and criteria for inclusion of diagnoses in the differential diagnosis were evaluated. The SAGE-SR was administered to healthy controls and outpatient mental health clinic clients to assess test duration and test-retest reliability. A second expert panel evaluated the final pool of items from cognitive interviewing and criteria in the DSM-5 to construct the SAGE-SR, a computerized adaptive instrument that uses branching logic from a screener section to administer appropriate follow-up questions to refine the differential diagnoses.

In the first 2 rounds, the SCID was also administered to participants to directly compare their Likert self-report and SCID responses. The resulting items were iteratively administered and revised through 3 rounds of cognitive interviewing with community mental health center participants. An expert panel iteratively reviewed, critiqued, and revised items.

First, study staff drafted approximately 1200 self-report items representing individual granular symptoms in the diagnostic criteria for the 8 primary SCID-CV modules.